Search Results for rehab

Alyana, located in Kolkata is well known center which has changed the lives of badly drug or alcohol addicted people. Being one of the best rehabilitation center in Kolkata, a lot of people have been able to get their selves out from this deadly evil. In fact we provide the treatment using the modern therapy procedures.
Anatta Rehab Kolkata - listed in Drugs & Medications
At Anatta, we are fully committed to treat those individuals who need help from drug & alcohol addiction. We used alternate life therapy in treatment of those suffering from addiction to alcohol and drugs. Our team will help you get out of addiction in the best way for you.
Anatta Rehabilitation, Kolkata - listed in Drugs & Medications
At Anatta, we are fully committed to treat those individuals who need help from drug & alcohol addiction. We used alternate life therapy in treatment of those suffering from addiction to alcohol and drugs. Our team will help you get out of addiction in the best way for you.


Anon Healthcare - listed in Drugs & Medications
At Anon , we are fully committed to treat those individuals who need help from drug & alcohol addiction. We used alternate life therapy in treatment of those suffering from addiction to alcohol and drugs. Our team will help you get out of addiction in the best way for you. It standardises and aggregates rehab centres and offers wellness support to individuals to achieve remarkable results in their road to recovery. Let's begin the battle against addiction!
Hearing Plus - listed in Hearing Aid
Hearing Plus is a digital hearing aids organization, which specializes in providing rehabilitative services to individuals with hearing problem which includes
P. BHOGILAL INC. - listed in Surgical Equipment
MANUFACTURERS & EXPORTERS OF hospital furniture, medical equipment, o.t. equipment, physiotherapy equipment, rehabilitiation aids, pathology equipments, home care, physiotherapy equipments and neonatal equipments. Surgical Equipment