Procon Tech Services

Listed Under: Construction, Real Estate / Construction


Business Details
Procon Tech Services - Products & Services
Weather Proof Painting Service | House Waterproofing | Call Now Procon Tech Services provides low cost, durable and guaranteed solution to leakage and seapage issues in building. Whether you have an old house or newly constructed home, we can provide simple and proven solution through proper scientific research work. With more than 25years of experience and hands on expertise, Procon Tech Services is one of the top rated weather proof painting service providers in Kolkata that deals in Kolkata and the surrounding areas. The services we majorly provide are: >> Roof waterproofing Kolkata >> Home repair service near me Kolkata >> Crack treatment in building Kolkata >> Building restoration Kolkata >> Asian Paints roof waterproofing Kolkata >> Doctor fixit dampguard Kolkata >> Reconstruction of old buildings Kolkata >> Weatherproof painting Kolkata If you are looking for any of these services, get in touch with us on our number or visit our website right away.
Business Information
Address: Angana Apartment 27/3/1, Purbachal(N) K L Road Near EM By Pass & Pr.A.Shah crossing Kolkata, West Bengal 700078
Contact Information
Contact Person: K Sarker
Phone: 9874663399
Email: Send EMail to Procon Tech Services
Address Map for Procon Tech Services

Notice: The map location may be displaced due to incomplete or incorrect address, kindly check with local people or please call the company and understand there location.


Our Sponsors:

Website Design for Construction

Kolkata Web Hosting offers web hosting for Construction company, if you are looking for web hosting or corporate email hosting then Kolkata Web Hosting can provide all required services.

ERP Software for Construction

Avow Labs develops software for Construction company, if you need software for ERP, billing software, accounting software, CRM Software, marketing Software etc then Avow Labs can help you in making your required software.

Website Design for Construction

Anikshree designs websites for Construction company, if you are looking for website design, digital marketing, search engine optimization or ecommerce website development then Anikshree can provide website design, ecommerce and digital marketing services.

Commercial Photography for Construction

RLodha Photography is an commercial photographer offering professional photography for ecommerce, mcommerce, print media, get your products photographed at affordable rates.

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